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Reactor Experiments   --   Reactor Lab #3
Measuring Integral Blade Worth Curves within the UMLRR

The purpose of this experiment is to become familiar with various techniques for measuring blade worth curves within the UMLRR -- with focus on the Inverse Kinetics Method. In addition, an effort is made to validate the simple feedback-free point kinetics model that has been used to illustrate the various reactor operations scenarios addressed so far this semester, and also to formally benchmark the (recently-implemented) Inverse Kinetics capability at UMass-Lowell. This page contains links to the many files directly associated with Reactor Lab #3.

Upon completion of this experiment, the student should have a better understanding of various methods for measuring integral worth curves for a real reactor, and have more confidence in our ability to predict the approximate feedback-free behavior of a reactor via numerical solution of the point kinetics equations.

Resource List:

File Category
File Description
Integral Worth Curves: Theory and Measurement Techniques
Overview of Inverse Kinetics
Description of Tasks for HW#8 (pre-lab)
Instructor's Solutions for Task#1 for HW#8
Description of Tasks for HW#9 (post-lab)
Instructor's Solutions for HW#9
Measuring Integral Blade Worth Curves within the UMLRR
Integral Worth Curves: Theory and Measurement Techniques
Inverse Point Kinetics
The Weight Function
The Multigroup Neutron Balance Equation
Basic Inverse Kinetics Demo/Validation
Stable Period/Doubling Time Method
Inverse Count Rate Method
Inverse Kinetics Method
Simulation with Multiple RegBlade Movements (for use with Task 2 of the pre-lab HW)
Blade Calibration within the UMLRR (Doubling Time Method)
Archive file that contains the blade_worth_gui code (this code was used prior to 2013 with the UMLRR Doubling Time Method data)
Analysis of Blade#4 Calibration Experiment #1 performed on August 15, 2005 using the Doubling Time Method
Data file (from the UMLRR Blade Calibration in 2012) for use with the Stable Period/Doubling Time Method
Raw reactor data from the previous March 2018 Approach to Critical Lab for use with the Inverse Count Rate Method
Contains the raw reactor data from the live Measuring Integral Blade Worth Curve Experiment in March 2018

Last updated by Prof. John R. White (March 2020)

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